Thursday 26 June 2014


I have now been a vegetarian for a little over two years....I LOVE IT!  It's very liberating knowing that my diet is peaceful and healthy.  It's one less thing I have to worry about in my day-to-day life.  Overall, I'm quite concerned about the lives of others and about the overall well-being of our planet.  It's nice to know that by following my vegetarian diet I am helping in my own small way.

There are plenty of reasons to cite for being a vegetarian - health, ecology, economics, biology, philosophy, just to name a few - each reason is filled with subcategories and more and more information.  It can be overwhelming for a newcomer to the vegetarian ideology to sift through all the information and weed out the poor/weak/fallacious/"fad" information and to arrive at the good/solid/foundational information.

In this blog I will try my best to provide good information about and for being vegetarian.  I will also talk about what I love (and sometimes hate) about being a vegetarian, ups and downs, ethics, interesting (and sometimes awkward social encounters), and so forth.  Please feel free to engage in discussions (for and against!) in the comment sections of my posts. {Please preserve the peaceful nature of my blog and refrain from abusive language.  If you have something to say that opposes others you can say it without being abusive. Thanks.}  The more dialogue we can open up, the better!  I hope to reach a wide and varied audience with my topic to encourage, teach, and learn from.

Also, please feel free to visit my other blog about healthy eating and vegetarian recipes.
